Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Coronavirus across Iran

Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 151,800 Deaths, November 12, 2020, 6:00 PM CET

NUMBER OF VICTIMS (AS OF November 12, 2020, 6:00 PM CET): The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) announced this afternoon, Thursday, November...

Iran: Flood Has Devastated People. Regime Has Not Taken Any Action

Lack of assistance to the deprived people of the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan by the Iranian regime caused extensive damage to these...

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 331,300

• Despite Rouhani's claims last week about improvement in the Coronavirus situation in Iran, he said today that we are facing an upward rise...
Protest in Behbahan, SouthWest Iran, over the rise in gasoline prices

Spread of general uprising against gasoline price hike to different cities

IRAN: Uprising against gasoline price hike – No. 4 This morning, Saturday, November 16, 2019, thousands of people in many Iranian cities tonight....

MEK And Significant Role of Women in Recent Student Protests

Iran - Women's role in Iran Protests Written by Staff Writer on 16 January 2020. On January 8 the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane...
MEK, NCRI, IRGC, Khamenei

Anniversary of Major Iran Protests Is a Chance for World To Speak Up

This month marks the second anniversary of the major Iran protests. In mid-November 2019, residents of nearly 200 Iranian cities and towns took part...

Iran State Media Acknowledge Worsening Economic Crises

Iran’s state media in the last couple of days, shortly after the regime’s sham election, acknowledged the country’s economic crises and how the regime’s...

EDITORIAL: Iran, the November 2019 Uprising, One Year After

The announcement on the tripling of gasoline prices on Friday, evening, November 15, 2019, initiated a nationwide uprising that continued for several days. The...

U.S. House of Representative Passes Resolution in Support of Iran Protests, Condemning the Regime

H. Res. 752 of the U.S. Congress in Support Iran Protests Written by Mohammad Sadat Khansari on 29 January 2020. The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed House Resolution 752 on Tuesday, entitled,...

Iran: Ebrahim Raisi’s Cabinet Demonstrates Malign Priorities

The Iranian regime’s new President Ebrahim Raisi held his first cabinet meeting on Thursday, a day after all but one of his initial appointees were...