Iran’s Presidential Election 2021: State Media Acknowledge Voters Low Enthusiasm


This piece is part of our several articles covering the Iranian regime’s sham presidential elections. 

A glance at Iran’s state-run media in recent days shows how the regime’s infightings have increased ahead of the sham presidential elections and how bogus are the slogans of the regime’s so-called candidates about reforming Iran’s dire situation. They also underline that more people are joining the campaign to boycott the regime’s elections. 

“While the system’s sympathizers repeatedly underline people’s very low motivation to participate in the election, the serious question is why [candidates] are busy with the façade and not paying attention to the core problems?” wrote the state-run Arman daily on Sunday. 

While underlining that the “Scientific and unbiased polls” have confirmed low turnout in the elections, Arman daily warns that candidates’ hollow promises “Will increase the distance of voters from the ballot boxes.” 

Many of the regime’s candidates, mainly the Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi (aka Hanging Judge), recently promised to combat corruption. This bogus comes when Iran’s economy is plagued by the institutionalized corruption of the regime officials, including Raisi’s mentor, the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and his ilk. 

Besides, Raisi and other candidates have held top positions in the regime in the last 42 years and could have resolved people’s problems. 

“During the last 42 years that you held various executive and judicial positions, did you not see corruption? Didn’t you watch it become institutionalized? Did you not have the tools to deal with corruption?” Arman daily underlined on Sunday in an article titled “Candidates’ indictment against the country’s management.” 

Arman’s article acknowledges that under the ruling theocracy, there is no solution to Iran’s problems. “Whoever assumes the country’s executive branch for the next four years has one result, and that is the inefficiency of the country’s management over the past 40 years,” Arman daily adds. 

Similarly, the state-run Jahan-e Sanat daily on Sunday, while referring to candidates’ acknowledgment of Iran’s dire social and economic situation, underlined their role in creating these crises. 

“The same individuals want to blame their rivals. Now Iranians say that these [candidates] each were senior executives in different institutions and organizations for the past four decades, and they misled Iran’s economy,” Jahan-e Sanat wrote. 

Due to the regime’s corruption, Iran’s economic crisis has turned society into a powder keg. Ahead of the regime’s sham elections, state media warn of a social turmoil. 

“In a general definition, lack of fair distribution of subsidies among the people, lack of a positive economic outlook, weak foreign policy, belligerence, regional adventurism, lack of transparency with the people, lack of central bank independence, currency repression, and people’s mistrust, are important causes of the curse of inflation in different governments,” wrote the state-run Ebtekar daily on Sunday. 

“Economic problems, inflation, and the fear of death and disease have drastically reduced people’s patience. People commute in the city like moving powder kegs that could explode at any moment,” Arman daily warned on Sunday. 

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