Iran – Resistance Units and MEK Supporters Urge Boycott of the Sham Presidential Election

Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Massoud Rajavi: Iran’s destiny to be determined not by the mullahs’ ballot box, but by the uprising of Iran’s valiant children” – May 20, 2021

“The entire regime is murderous, the ballot box is null and void”

The activities of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) supporters and Resistance Units in various cities of Iran, especially in Tehran, calling for a nationwide boycott of the regime’s presidential election, have increased significantly in recent days. In many parts of the Greater Tehran and other cities in Iran, the activists called for a boycott of the mullahs’ sham presidential election by posting banners and placards, writing graffiti, and distributing leaflets.

The photographs below cover only a part of the activities of the supporters of the MEK and the Resistance Units between May 20 and 23, which in addition to different areas of Tehran, were carried out in Mashhad, Isfahan, Ahvaz, Karaj, Neyshabur, Qom, Zabol, Esfarayen, Najafabad, Ilam, Shahr-e Qods, Kermanshah, Bandar Anzali, Lahijan, Semnan, Aligudarz, Behbahan, Mahshahr, It took place in Arak, Fasa, Shahrekord, and Jahrom.

Among the slogans were: “Maryam Rajavi: A popular uprising is awaiting the mullahs, and will lead to their overthrow,” “Maryam Rajavi: boycott of the sham election is a patriotic duty and the Iranian nation’s pledge to the martyrs” “Maryam Rajavi: The election masquerade has no legitimacy among the Iranian people,” “Maryam Rajavi: The Iranian people’s nationwide boycott of this election is the flipside of the people’s uprisings,” “Massoud Rajavi: Iran’s destiny will be determined not by the mullahs’ ballot box, but by the uprising of Iran’s valiant children,” “Massoud Rajavi: nationwide boycott of the election, a response to the murderers of 1,500 martyrs of November 2019 uprising,” “Massoud Rajavi: Boycott of the sham election is the Iranian people’s rallying cry,” “Massoud Rajavi: Our vote is regime change and boycott of the sham election,” “Massoud Rajavi: Boycotting the sham election is a patriotic duty,” “Our vote: Regime change and boycott of the election farce,” “My vote is regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic,” “The entire regime is murderous, the ballot box is null and void.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
May 24, 2021

Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Maryam Rajavi: A popular uprising is awaiting the mullahs, and will lead to their overthrow” – May 21, 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Maryam Rajavi: A popular uprising is awaiting the mullahs, and will lead to their overthrow” – May 21, 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Maryam Rajavi: boycott of the sham election is a patriotic duty and the Iranian nation’s pact with the martyrs” – May 21, 2021
Najafabad, Shahr-e Qods, Qom, and Ilam – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “My vote is regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic” – May 20 and 21, 2021
Kermanshah – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Massoud Rajavi: Boycott of the sham election is the Iranian people’s slogan” – May 21, 2021
Isfahan – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Maryam Rajavi: The election masquerade has no legitimacy among the Iranian people” – May 21, 2021
Isfahan – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – Distributing leaflets door to door and on car windshields – May 23, 2021
Lahijan and Bandar Anzali – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “The entire regime is murderous, the election is null and void.” – May 20 to 23, 2021
Mashhad, Semnan, and Ilam – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – Our vote is regime change – May 23, 2021
Aligudarz – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election –May 20, 2021
Ahvaz – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Our vote: Regime change and boycott of the election farce” – May 20, 2021
Behbahan and Mahshahr – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Maryam Rajavi: The Iranian people’s nationwide boycott of this election is the flipside of the people’s uprisings” – May 20, 2021
Karaj and Arak – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Maryam Rajavi: A popular uprising is awaiting the mullahs, and will lead to their overthrow” – May 20, 2021
Neyshabur, Fasa, and Esfarayen – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Massoud Rajavi: Boycotting the sham election is a patriotic duty” – May 21, 2021
Sharekord and Jahrom – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “My vote is regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic” – May 20 to 23, 2021
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