Iran’s FM Amir-Abdollahian Underlines Tehran’s Terrorism and Diplomacy Go Hand in Hand

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian(R)

The state-run Aftab-e Yazd daily on October 3 published part of Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s autobiography. This report further underlined that diplomacy and terrorism go hand in hand in Iran under the mullahs’ regime.
“In the fundamental issues of foreign policy and national security, a mechanism is designed in the constitution based on the system’s decisions.

The procedure is such that after going through the expert stages in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and related security and military departments and an in-depth look at it in the working groups of the Secretariat of the Supreme National Security Council, the issue is finally raised and decided in the meeting of the Supreme National Security Council,” Amir Abdollahian’s book reads in part adding “Finally, the decision taken by the Supreme National Security Council, after the approval of the Supreme Leader, will be communicated to all agencies and will be imperative to follow them.”

On April 8, the regime’s former president Hassan Rouhani acknowledged that the frontline and diplomacy are two arms” of the mullahs’ regime. “If anyone believes that either the frontline or the negotiations must-win, then I must say that their words are incorrect,” he added.
In late April 2021, the regime’s ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, confirmed in a leaked audiotape that the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) dominates the system’s policies, mainly foreign policy strategies to spread chaos and terrorism across the world. In reaction to his leaked audiotape, he later acknowledged that “diplomacy and the frontline complement each other.”

He also confirmed that the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, “coordinated” Zarif and the IRGC Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani. “As an official, I have always followed the policies approved by the establishment, and I have strongly defended them,” he further admitted.

Mohsen Baharvand, the former Deputy Minister of Legal and International Affairs under Zarif, later confirmed that Soleimani “regularly came to the study office at 6 am on Tuesdays and had a coordination meeting with Dr. Zarif until 7:30.”
In 2018 the world was shocked when an Iranian regime’s career diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, attempted to bomb the Iranian opposition gathering in France.

Assadi was incarcerated along with his minions, and they are now sentenced to nearly 70 years in prison. While Assadi is imprisoned, his network of espionage and terrorism, partly revealed during the investigations, remains intact.
Zarif was fully aware of Assadi’s mission, facilitated this crime, and later blatantly called it a “false flag operation.”
Zarif is gone, but the terrorist establishment in the Foreign Ministry is still there. Unlike Zarif, Amir Abdollahian has never presented himself as a “moderate.”

Amir-Abdollahian is known for his actions as a “field agent” and an element of the IRGC Quds Force, which is in charge of advancing the regime’s terrorist activities.
While working in the regime’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amir-Abdollahian was, in fact, the representative of Qassem Soleimani.

According to an exclusive report the Iranian Resistance recently published, “Amir-Abdollahian has been an aide to the criminal commander of terrorist Quds force, Qassem Soleimani, and the representative of the Quds Force within the ministry of foreign affairs. He was deputy to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. From 2011-2016, Amir-Abdollahian was Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs under Ali Akbar Salehi and was responsible for foreign ministry activities in the region, especially Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.”

The western powers, mainly the European leaders, should once again consider who they are dealing with. The appeasement policy and falling for the regime’s myth of moderation resulted in the blatant 2018 terrorist plot. Now, they are persisting in dialogue with a terrorist regime, whose foreign minister is rather a “field agent.” Amir Abdollahian and his diplomat-terrorist could act like Assadi and smuggle bombs to Europe, and they would once they continue their failed appeasement policy. Amir-Abdollahian confirmed this regarding the 2018 terrorist plot saying, “As a safe haven [for the Iranian Resistance], Europe must now receive a sensible, wise, but shocking message.

The European governments should focus on the regime’s terrorist activities. They should send a “shocking message” to the regime by closing its embassies which are nests of spies de facto, and sanction Amir-Abdollahian for terrorism. This would certainly limit the regime’s terrorist activities and could act as a step toward guaranteeing peace and security.


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