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US to ramp up action against Iran, Syria in Iraq

US to ramp up action against Iran, Syria in IraqAFP, WASHINGTON – US troops will go on the offensive against hostile operations by Iran and Syria in Iraq, the White House said Wednesday, in extracts from the new war plan for the violence-riven country.

In a key operational shift, the new strategy, due to be laid out by President George W. Bush in a prime time address on Wednesday, will include a bid to "counter Iranian and Syrian action that threatens coalition forces."

The document made no mention of the call by the independent Iraq Study Group in December for US talks with foes Syria and Iran over Iraq’s plight.

US troops, due to be boosted by five brigades in Baghdad under the plan will "increase operations against Iranian actors," extracts of the strategy released by the White House said.

The coalition will "intensify efforts to counter Iranian and Syrian influence inside Iraq," the document said.

It added that US allies in the Middle East were "concerned about negative Iranian influence in Iraq."

"Iran has been cultivating influence in Iraq through all means at its disposal," the summary said.

"Iran’s threat involves both lethal action and the burrowing of Iranian actors into Iraqi institutions.

"Syrian actions, while posing less of a strategic threat to Iraq than Iranian actions, exacerbate the tactical challenge faced by the Iraqi government."

The United States has repeatedly accused Iran of fomenting violence in Iraq, saying there are Iranian fingerprints on Shiite militias and the makeshift roadside bombs that have killed many US soldiers.

But the Shiite-led government in Baghdad has pursued closer security ties with Tehran, which is also locked in a standoff with Washington over its nuclear program.

The Iraq Study Group, co-chaired by former secretary of state James Baker, recommended last year that Washington hold direct talks with Iran and Syria given their capacity to influence events in Iraq.

But Bush warned shortly afterwards that the two US foes must stop helping extremists and commit to help Iraq’s fledgling government before any talks were possible.

"If people come to the table to discuss Iraq, they need to come understanding their responsibilities to not fund terrorists, to help this young democracy survive, to help with the economics of the country," Bush said on December 7.

"And if people are not committed, if Syria and Iran is not committed to that concept then they shouldn’t bother to show up," said Bush, who also ruled out direct talks with Iran unless it verifiably freezes sensitive nuclear work.