Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s ‘Democracy’-Regime-The Wall Street Journal

These election results as the regime's attempt to tighten its control and to present a united, hard-line front as it sprints to develop the...

Iran’s sham election-The Washington Times

Editorial The Washington Times - June 16 - As Iranian voters get ready to go to the polls tomorrow in the first round of presidential...

Iran Elections: Iranian Youth Do not See Change on Horizon

EventsTehran, AFP - The United States may see oil and terrorism as Islamic Iran's main exports, but many young people here will be quick...

The Correct Choice in Iran Election? A Boycott

The Los Angeles Times By Ali Safavi I found "Mullah Democracy" (editorial, June 21) rather presumptuous for suggesting that the...

Bush says Iran’s election designed to keep rulers in power

Associated Press, WASHINGTON – June 16 - On the eve of Iran's presidential election, President Bush said the voting has been designed to keep...

Exiled Iranian opposition group condemns EU-Iran talks

EventsPARIS, May 24 (AFP) - The main Iranian opposition group, in exile and based in France, on Tuesday condemned the European Union for its...