Kayhan daily: “The fog of disturbance is raging in all directions”

NCRI – The state-run Kayhan daily, the mouthpiece of the mullahs’ Supreme Leader, also wrote in its political editorial, entitled "Certainty about the Timing of Disturbance,” on Thursday, that, "The fog of disturbance is raging in all directions. The signs of disturbance are clear now in Iran's political atmosphere. This much is certain. Those who cause disturbance do not even bother to cover their faces anymore. Indeed there is no need because causing disturbance has become such a simple feat.” Kayhan added, “It is clear that all the blessings result from the supervision of the Supreme Leader. That is why the enemies are now clearly focusing on this element of the state. As a result, all the plots and conspiracies have the Supreme Leader as their target.”

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