Iranian regime is trying to expand the rift between Arabs

Aljazera TV interviewed Dr. Anwar Majid on the subject
Following are excerpts from an interview with Dr. Anwar Majid Eshqi, President of the Middle East Center for Strategic Studies in Jeddah on March 7

In an interview with Al-Jazeera, Dr. Anwar Majid Eshqi President of the Middle East Center for Strategic Studies in Jeddah: «The Iranian regime is trying to expand the rift between Arabs».
TV host: Finally, Morocco severed its diplomatic relations with Iran. It is just the tip of the iceberg in tension in the relations between the Iranian regime and some moderate Arab states. Where do you think the tension lead to; further escalation or containment?

Dr. Anwar Majid: Of course, the escalation in the dispute between the Arab States and the Iranian regime was a result of a six point policy adopted by the Iranians which provoked the Arab world:

First – A shift to the strategy of challenging the Arab nations;

Second: The support of the opposition in the Arab countries;

Third: provoking the Arab sentiments and pride;

Fourth: Attempt to broaden the rift between Arabs;

Fifth: A plan to encircle the Arabian Peninsula and Jordan;

Sixth: Intervention in the internal affairs of the Arab world.

These factors indicate that the relations between Iran and its Arab neighbors, which in the past two decades was one of reconciliation and mutual understanding has begun to shift.

The escalation may heighten especially now that Morocco severed its diplomatic relations with the Iranian regime. A Policy which leads to great loses in the long run for Iran. With the current pace, the Iranian regime will lose even its few friends in the region. Following these policies will eventually entrap Iran.

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