Iran regime’s high ranking cleric: It is do-or-die situation for us

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NCRI- On Friday Ahmad Jannati, the head of regime's Guardians Council and interim Tehran's Friday Prayers Leader, addressing the worshipers said, "If we stop going down the revolutionary path, we [the Iranian regime] will come to an end." Jannati reiterated on the need to take a road that meant intensified confrontation with International community.

He said that the Supreme Leader's description of the New Year as one of "innovations and flourishment," was "well-calculated" and was "based on domestic and international politics," and "what our government and our society required this year."

Jannti presides over the Guardians Council which is the most influential body in Iran. 

The council which has the power to approve or disqualify parliamentary elections candidates played a important role in barring rival candidates in the last parliamentary elections in Iran.


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