Iran: Mullahs’ regime imposed an undeclared martial law on Tehran’s bazaar

NCRI – The mullahs' suppressive regime imposed an undeclared martial law on Tehran's bazaar following the added-value tax regulation.

Scores of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Special Anti-Riot Units coupled with plain-cloths agents of the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) were roaming around Tehran's bazaar forcing shopkeepers to open their businesses on Tuesday.

NCRI – The mullahs' suppressive regime imposed an undeclared martial law on Tehran's bazaar following the added-value tax regulation.

Scores of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Special Anti-Riot Units coupled with plain-cloths agents of the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) were roaming around Tehran's bazaar forcing shopkeepers to open their businesses on Tuesday.
Since early morning hours, jewelers and carpet dealers were faced with the orders by the security forces to start work.

Some other agents riding on motorbikes wearing complete anti-riot gears were writing down license numbers of the shops refusing to obey the strict government order to open business.

Despite all suppressive measures, Tehran bazaar remained closed much of the day. Members of the MOIS were patrolling the streets leading to bazaar.

In addition to shops keeping their shutters down, some strikers set fire on used tires. According to eyewitnesses, shopkeepers stood guard outside their shops holding wooden clubs to defend themselves in case of an attack by security forces on Monday.

Other bazaars in major cities such as Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, Qazvin stayed closed for most of the day on Tuesday.

Ahwaz bazaar in the southwestern part of the country was the latest in the week old string of strikes by the bazaaris in Iran. 

The Saudi daily Al Watan wrote today that mullahs' regime is blaming its opposition for the bazaar strikes. The witnesses told the daily that the security forces took in some merchants for questioning.   

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