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Iran: Mullahs Interior Minister admits not holding Oxford University degree

oxford_kordan_iranNCRI – After two months of controversy, the mullahs’ disgraced Interior Minister, Ali Kordan, admitted that he never held an Oxford University degree.

In his letter to Ahmadinejad, he regretted that his degree was forged and he claimed that he has pressed charges against an unnamed individual who had given him the honorary degree in Iran. 


The controversy began last August following his appointment as the regime’s new Interior Minister and the release of a report by Britain's Oxford University dismissing his claim that he held a doctorate degree from that University.

In the meantime Iran’s Free University Dean also denied awarding Kordan any degrees in a letter to the chair of the mullahs’ parliamentary Committee on Education and Research.
Looking into his background, it was reported that in 1977 he was jailed in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran, for attempted rape. After the anti-Monarchy revolution in 1979 he was released from jail and was soon recruited by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). He rapidly climbed up the ladder in the notorious IRGC and has been a close associate of Ahmadinejad.
When it was first revealed that his degree was no good, the Interior Ministry and the regime’s vice-president on judicial and parliamentary affairs insisted that his degree was genuine and threatened anyone trying to prove otherwise will face judicial prosecution.

The affair has left Ahmadinejad’s government in yet another domestic crisis and increasing internal feuding among factions. This also comes amid lack of any legitimacy in the country with growing hatred for the regime among the people.