Iran: Members of Assembly of Experts warn Rafsanjani

NCRI – A group of members from the clerical regime’s Assembly of Experts referring to themselves simply as “the majority” issued a statement on Thursday published by the state-run Fars news agency, warning Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the current chair of the assembly, against “deviations from the path and positions of the Supreme Leader and Revolution's ideals and Imam Khomeini’s righteous path.”

NCRI – A group of members from the clerical regime’s Assembly of Experts referring to themselves simply as “the majority” issued a statement on Thursday published by the state-run Fars news agency, warning Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the current chair of the assembly, against “deviations from the path and positions of the Supreme Leader and Revolution's ideals and Imam Khomeini’s righteous path.”

The statement, which fails to mention the names of the signatories, also adds: "The credibility of all government posts and officials, and the legitimacy of their appointments, decisions, and measures in the context of issues in the public domain and legal obligations are directly or indirectly determined by the Supreme Leader and approved by him.”

"With regards to the presidency also, in accordance with the sayings of the late Imam and the explicit principles of the Constitution, if the people's choice does not receive the seal of approval by the Supreme Leader, then the presidency would be considered unjust and would lack legitimacy.”

The fifth article of the statement issues a stern warning to Rafsanjani and says, “Many of the system’s compassionate clerics, the elites, and personalities expect the esteemed Chairman of the Assembly of Experts and the State Expediency Council, who has remained faithful to the Imam and the leadership through perseverance and wisdom and has contributed to the resolution of problems and challenges, to lend further and more transparent backing to the  absolute rule of the clergy and the Supreme Leader's remarks in the current circumstances. In these sensitive times, he should leave the enemies of Islam and the state, the vengeful, those with ill wishes, and the opportunists, who have ominous plans to damage unity and solidarity, out in the cold.”

Another part of the statement attacks rival factions, saying, "The enemies of the holy state of the Islamic Republic of Iran … exploit elections and the ignorance of some presidential candidates to enter the scene with an all-out psychological warfare. … They try to taint public opinion and breed pessimism and doubt among the people, … despite the fact that the Supreme Leader has the last word and any deviation from that path and position of the Supreme Leader would amount to deviation from the Revolution's ideals and Imam Khomeini’s righteous path.”

The responsibilities of the Assembly of Experts are to appoint the Supreme Leader, monitor his performance and remove him if he is deemed incapable of fulfilling his duties. The assembly which usually holds two sessions a year has 86 members. Members are elected for an eight year term.

Only clerics can join the assembly and candidates for election are vetted by the Guardian Council which consists of six theologians appointed by the Supreme Leader and six jurists nominated by the head of judiciary who is also appointed by the Supreme Leader. 

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