Iran: Khamenei pledged his unconditional support for Ahmadinejad’s faction ahead of Friday’s polls



NCRI – The mullahs' Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in a clear show of support for Ahmadinejad's faction ahead of Friday's polls said, "Voters should elect candidates to the Majlis (parliament) who would pave the way for the loyal and energetic government to charge ahead," the semi-official news agency Fars reported on Wednesday.

"I tell you with great confidence that previous elections were fair and so will be the upcoming election," Khamenei tried to assured everyone of fairness of the Friday's polls.

In a clear reference to the West he said, "Those who cry out for democracy are the ones standing in the way to stop a democratic process in Iran." 

"Those who are not in favor of a large turnout by the Iranian people on Friday advertise vote rigging ahead of elections are our enemies," said Khamenei.

Khamenei called for election of candidates with knowledge and expertise in various fields and in particular "nuclear energy."

"We are the true followers of Prophet Mohammad. Issues like human rights, democracy and nuclear energy are nothing but pretexts for the U.S. to exert pressure on us," Khamenei added.

"Those who claim to have been defending human rights are in practice the vanguards of using torture [in their prisons]. Such facts make death to America which was once the soul slogan coming from the Islamic Republic now a to worldwide banner for all Islamic countries."  

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