Iran-Human Rights: UN voices serious concern about human rights violations in Iran



ImageAgence France Press, UNITED NATIONS – The UN General Assembly on Friday passed a resolution expressing "serious concern" about human rights violations in Iran, including the use of torture and public executions, and called on Tehran to end the abuses.

The vote was 77 in favor, 51 against with 46 abstentions.

The resolution expressed "serious concern at the continuing use of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" of detainees as well as "public executions, violations of the human rights of ethnic and religious minorities and intimidation and persecution of human rights defenders."
It also called on Tehran to ensure "full respect for the rights to freedom of assembly, opinion and expression," to "eliminate, in law and in practice, the use of torture and cruel, inhuman or other degrading treatment or punishment such as amputations and flogging," and "to abolish public executions and other executions carried out in the absence of respect for internationally recognized safeguards."
Unlike those of the Security Council, resolutions passed by the General Assembly are not binding.
"The vote was a little narrow for comfort … It was a victory for the Iranian people," US deputy ambassador to the UN Anne Patterson told reporters. "We hope that the Iranian people get the message that the international community is with them."

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