Iran-Europe: Merkel and Chirac find Ahmadinejad’s remarks on Israel “unacceptable”

NCRI – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday said that mullahs’ President Ahmadinejad’s combative suggestion that Israel should be relocated to Austria or Germany was "totally unacceptable".

"The remarks of the Iranian president are totally unacceptable, and as chancellor of Germany, which has a historical responsibility in this regard, I reject them with the greatest firmness," she said at a meeting with French President Jacques Chirac.
Ahmadinejad, who claimed in October that Israel "must be wiped off the map", said on Thursday that if Germany and Austria believed Jews were massacred during World War II, then a state of Israel should be established on their soil.
President Chirac also expressed his outrage and found Ahmadinejad’s revolting remarks as “unacceptable.”

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