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Iran: Ahmadinejad renews his defiance of UN resolutions

Sample ImageNCRI – Ahmadinejad, the Iranian regime’s president, on Thursday said “the resolutions which are adopted” by the UN Security Council are “scraps of paper,” the state-run Fars news agency reported.

Ahmadinejad said in his speech in northeastern city of Mashhad that mullahs’ regime "will not give up until the corrupt leadership in the world has been obliterated."

He added, "Sanctions, political and economic pressures can not force” his regime “to back down” on its nuclear program.

The United States this week warned Iranian regime that it risked further isolation and new international sanctions after refusing to comply with UN Security Council resolutions over its nuclear program.

On Tuesday, Ahmadinejad announced that “the process of installing 6,000 advanced centrifuges started” at uranium enrichment plant in Natanz.

His remarks are considered as a clear indication of the clerical regime's accelerating drive to obtain the nuclear bomb.

In an interview with Japan's Kyodo news agency, published on April 4, Ahmadinejad rejected any new possible incentives offered by the West in return for suspension of the regime's nuclear program. He stipulated, "This is a non-negotiable subject," and belongs to the past.

The report is partly based on wire news dispatches