Iran: 10,000 large-scale government deals fraught with embezzlement

Iran: 10,000 large-scale government deals fraught with embezzlementNCRI – An official from the Iranian regime’s Inspections Organizations has exposed that in 2009 executive and administrative organs in the country have declared only 30 percent of their contracts, leaving the remaining 70 percent in complete obscurity, the state-run news agency ISNA reported on Thursday.

Gholam-Hossein Bolandian, Deputy of Planning and Resource Management at the Inspections Organizations, referred to government bids and contracts, saying, “Statistics indicate that in 2009, cases of misappropriations were discovered in more than 10,500 large-scale government deals, which prompted more than 2,700 warnings to various organs, and close to 1,100 deals were either annulled or reexamined. 600 violations were also identified and dealt with.” He also described fraud, bribery and discrimination in awarding significant special privileges and certifications as other issues gripping various state organs at the provincial and national levels.

Bolandian added, “Discussions around underground economy and smuggling of goods counts as another challenge for the country, which sadly after 30 years of fighting against it, still takes new forms on a daily basis.”

“Owing to its economic interests, an enormous body, including some executive departments, within the country have been tainted by the underground economy, and a solution to this problem requires cooperation from the organs themselves.”

Bolandian also referred to money laundering as one of the regime’s other methods of embezzlement and said the underground economy, which has the regime as its significant actor, has crippled the wider market in the country.

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