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X-Regime - Latest News and Articles

Maryam Rajavi in July 3 event in Auvers-sur-Oise

Iran daily ban politically motivated: director

Agence France Presse - The managing director of Iranian economic newspaper Asia on Tuesday slammed a government ban on his paper as "politically motivated"....
Iraq PM's office denies plan to visit Iran next week

Iraq PM’s office denies plan to visit Iran next week

Agence France Presse, Baghdad - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki does not plan to travel to Iran next week, his spokesman said Monday, denying...
UN-supervised free election based on people's will for Iran - Norwegian committee

UN-supervised free election based on people’s will for Iran – Norwegian committee

NCRI – In a statement on June 25, the Norwegian Committee of the Friends of a Free Iran comprised of parliamentarians and political and...

Iran: Seven hundred thousands have died in traffic accidents

NCRI – Seven hundred thousands have died in traffic accidents in the country over last three decades, reported the state-run news agency ISNA on...

Iran: Khamenei pledged his unconditional support for Ahmadinejad’s faction ahead of Friday’s polls

NCRI - The mullahs' Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in a clear show of support for Ahmadinejad's faction ahead of Friday's polls said, "Voters should...

Iran: Dire economic conditions acknowledged by regime official

NCRI- Mohsen Safai Farahani, a member of the regime’s Commerce Office in Tehran acknowledged that the poor management and squandering of the clerical regime...
Iran: 52,000 people out of work in vast Asalouyeh gas field

Iran: 52,000 people out of work in vast Asalouyeh gas field

NCRI – A regime official has confessed that more than 50,000 workers have lost their jobs at the vast natural gas field of Asalouyeh...
Ashura Day protests in Iran, Dec. 27, 2009

Iranian regime arrests two German diplomats: state-run TV

TEHRAN, January 27, 2010 (AFP) - Iran said Wednesday it arrested two German diplomats for allegedly having a hand in deadly anti-government protests which...
US Senate passes resolution condemning Iran

US Senate passes resolution condemning Iran

Reuters - The U.S. Senate on Friday unanimously passed a resolution condemning Iran for its nuclear program and backing efforts to report it to...
Tehran, Iran, July 17, 2009

Kayhan daily: “The fog of disturbance is raging in all directions”

NCRI - The state-run Kayhan daily, the mouthpiece of the mullahs’ Supreme Leader, also wrote in its political editorial, entitled "Certainty about the Timing...