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HomeRamadan 2015 - News and ArticlesTop Palestinian judge: Heed Maryam Rajavi’s call for Mid-East peace

Top Palestinian judge: Heed Maryam Rajavi’s call for Mid-East peace

Sheikh Taysir al-Tamimi, former Chief Justice of Palestine, speaking at Ramadan conference in Paris on July 3, 2015

NCRI – Remarks by Iranian opposition leader Mrs. Maryam Rajavi at a recent U.S. Congressional hearing on Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East should be supported as the solution to the region’s crises, Sheikh Taysir al-Tamimi, former Chief Justice of Palestine, told a grand Ramadan conference in Paris on July 3.

“These courageous and principled stances do not simply represent the brother nation of Iran, but the situation of all peoples in the region. We should adopt these principles and endorse the speeches and programs of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi that were stated to the Congress,” he said.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, testified before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation and Trade on April 29, 2015, reiterating that to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East, the Iranian regime and its terrorist proxies must be evicted from the region.

Below are highlights from Dr. al-Tamimi’s remarks at the Ramadan conference:

Taysir al-Tamimi, former Chief Justice of Palestine – Paris, July 3, 2015

The regime of velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule) in Iran is the one that established terrorism and fundamentalism. Before that we did not relate fundamentalism with Islam and we just knew the tolerant Islam that accepts others and does not accuse others of heresy and treachery.

Yes! This regime came to foment sectarianism between Shiites and Sunnis and to expand terrorism and fundamentalism in order to advance this corrupt mindset throughout the region. What is going on right now in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, other Arab countries, and throughout the region and even the world has the Iranian regime as its source. It is attempting to expand this corrupt and perverse mindset despite the hundreds of thousands or even millions that are being killed in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

I am afraid that any agreement between the Iranian regime and the United States and European countries on the issue of nuclear weapons would come at the expense of the Iranian people and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) or at the expense of the Middle East, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and all Arab and Islamic countries.

Yes! This regime wishes to expand its dominion over these countries and others at whatever price despite its perverse mindset. It wants to use any plan or program in order to rule these nations.

Yes! In this Iftar on the occasion of Ramadan we emphasize on what Mrs. Maryam Rajavi reminded about Islamic principles. Islam is far from all fundamentalism, murder and terrorism. Islam does not recognize such a thing as despotism, suppression and confiscation of rights. In his final speech, which is the first international covenant on human rights, the Prophet insists on women’s rights without any reservations. He also insists on protection of property, lives, assets, and freedoms, including freedom of belief.

Yes! This is the great Islam. This is the Islam that rejects despotism. In this holy night, we express our solidarity with the Iranian people and the PMOI in their struggle for freedom and emancipation from this despotic regime.

I have studied closely what Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated at the U.S. Congress. These courageous and principled stances do not simply represent the brother nation of Iran, but the situation of all peoples in the region. We should adopt these principles and endorse the speeches and programs of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi that were stated to the Congress.

Yes! These statements are the key and solution to all the problems in this region.

We call on all countries in the region and the United States and Western countries to adhere to these words and principles of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and to implement them exactly to save Islam from a world full of tensions and to get rid of terrorism and dictatorships in the world and replace them with freedom and stability in the region.