Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Who is Mohammad Kazemi and Can He Save Iranian regime’s IRGC Intelligence Organization?

On June 23, Hossein Salami, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Commander-in-Chief, appointed the IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Kazemi as the new chief of the IRGC...

Who Is Hossein Taeb, Recently Booted From Iran’s IRGC Intelligence Organization?

Last week, the Iranian regime sacked Hossein Taeb, the longstanding intelligence chief of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and a confidant of the mullahs’ supreme...

Nobel Laureate Sir Richard Roberts Visits Ashraf-3, Meets Maryam Rajavi

On June 26, Sir Richard J. Roberts, the 1993 Nobel Prize winner of Physiology or Medicine visited Ashraf-3 and met with the NCRI President-elect...

Live Report: International Conference Calling for Dismantling Tehran’s MOIS Terrorist Network in Europe

THIS REPORT WILL BE UPDATED UPON THE PROGRESS OF THE CONFERENCE On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, following the Belgian Court of Appeals’ decision to uphold...

Iran’s Cyber Army: A Force of Disinformation for a Cursed Cause

“We created new accounts on Twitter, using the persona of other Twitter influencers who were mainly counter-revolutionary activists. Ours just differed in a single...

Timeline of NCRI’s Revelations To Prevent a Nuclear-armed Iran

Brenda Shaffer, research director of the Caspian Studies Program at Harvard University in Arms Control Association: “An interesting aspect of this year’s revelations on Iran’s...

Exclusive Report on IRGC Corruption: The Case of “Yas Holding” Is the Tip of...

A 50-minute leaked audiotape of a conversation between two senior commanders of the Iranian regime's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in 2018 was a...

Iran’s Regime: A Major Obstacle in the Way of Enduring Peace in the Middle...

Drones continue to target commercial centers and oil refineries, rockets keep shelling residential areas, shipping remains to be high risk and thousands of innocent...

Exclusive Report: Iran Regime’s Internet Censorship Plan and Its Consequences

According to Iran’s state-run media, the clerical regime’s parliament is about to pass an internet “protection bill,” restricting the country’s internet and online freedoms...

Resistance Units – Iran Society’s Response to Mullahs’ Rule of Terror

While the regime ruling Iran is engulfed in domestic crises and international isolation, 2021 witnessed a new peak of demonstrations and escalating protests. Eight...