Tehran SSF Commander: 22 organs involved in the suppression of women

Tehran SSF Commander: 22 organs involved in the suppression of womenNCRI – In order to intensify the atmosphere of suppression and intimidation in Iran, the Commander of the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (SSF) in Tehran, Sajedi Nia, has said that women who are said to commit so-called “mal-veiling” will be videotaped and the tapes will be used as evidence in court.

According to the state-run ILNA, Sajedi Nia added, “Cameras will be provided to the personnel and we will videotape those who cause aggravation or commit mal-veiling. If the opportunity to confront them on the scene does not arise, they will be sent a letter to be summoned to the chastity security police office.”

The Tehran SSF Commander further explained about the regime’s repressive measure by saying, “All the steps will be documented and tapes and pictures will be included in the case so that no one will be able to deny their actions. There will be evidence in court.”

Sajedi Nia also made a revelation about the number of organs assigned to the suppression of women, saying, “Cultural issues are dealt with by cultural officials and 22 organs must take steps with regards to veiling and chastity. The SSF is one of them.”

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