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Romanian MP: Women are true pioneers of the fight for gender equality in Iran

NCRI – The National Council of Resistance of Iran could be considered a perfect model of the engagement of women in political leadership, a matter that could be considered a turning point in the fight against fundamentalism, a Romanian MP told a conference in Romanian capital.

Romio Floren Nikoara, member of Human Rights Commission in the Romanian Parliament said: “These women are truly the pioneers of the fight for gender equality in today’s Iran. They are engaged in a fierce fight with the Iranian regime to vanguard these rights and for that noble reason we should be thankful to them.”

Below is speech by Senator Romio Floren Nikoara:

Traditionally across the world, there are many occasions dedicated to appreciating the efforts of women in many different areas of work. The National Council of Resistance of Iran was the host of a symposium in Paris, dedicated to one particular cause.

This symposium, which was held on March 8, was not only intended to appreciate the role of women in the world, but also designed to bring awareness to their needs.

As you are all aware, in today’s Iran, many of the basic rights of women, including social and political rights, are continuously denied and neglected. This is solely due to a male-dominated ideology being advocated by the Iranian regime in the Middle East and North Africa. It is the Iranian Regime that is trying to prolong its grasp on power by exporting fundamentalism to other countries in the region and beyond.
In its direct and continuous fight against fundamentalism in Iran, the National Council Resistance of Iran has gained many valuable experiences and learnt many lessons. The council could be considered a perfect model of the engagement of women in political leadership, a matter that could be considered a turning point in the fight against fundamentalism.

One could highlight the role of about 1,000 women who are in Camp Liberty now, living under the harshest living conditions possible. A miserable situation imposed to them by the Iraqi government and Martin Kobler.

These women are truly the pioneers of the fight for gender equality in today’s Iran. They are engaged in a fierce fight with the Iranian regime to vanguard these rights and for that noble reason we should be thankful to them.

The rocket attack of February 9 of 2013 on Camp Liberty was a terrorist act that should be strongly condemned. We all should try to let the world know how the Iranian regime is engaged in terrorist acts against the residents of Camp Liberty by its proxies in Iraq. The residents of Camp Liberty are all considered to be ‘protected persons’ under the 4th Geneva Convention. There should be an independent inquiry about this attack and the inquiry should find those responsible for this attack. In this way, we may be able to prevent future attacks on Camp Liberty.

I firmly believe that the best way to protect these individuals in Camp liberty is to facilitate their return to Camp Ashraf. Camp Ashraf is a much bigger place and much better equipped against such aggressions.

Needless to say that the legitimacy of Martin Kobler has long gone and he is no longer to be trusted. His inadequate response to what has been going on in Camps Ashraf and Liberty is well documented and clear to all. It is certainly the time to replace him with another, independent, figure.

As a member of the world community and as a human being, I would like to stress the fact that we are all responsible for what is happening in Iran. We should all voice our concerns to the world community. The world is not ready and willing to accept a male-dominated regime like Iran. We should all support the democratic demands of the Iranian Resistance.

Your fight for freedom and human dignity goes well beyond such borders. In fact this is a fight for humanity and human values, a fight for equality and world peace.

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