Paying tribute to Elizabeth Sidney, relentless defender of women’s right

NCRI – Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz, Chair of the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in a statement on April 15, paid homage to Elizabeth Sidney, women’s rights activist and supporter of the Iranian Resistance.

I would like to express my sincere condolences for the passing of Mrs. Elizabeth Sidney to her friends and colleagues. We shall always remember her relentless efforts for Human Rights and women’s rights, as one of the long standing supporters of the Iranian Resistance, defender of the 1000 women in Ashraf and a dear friend. Elizabeth has always been a reliable friend on whom the Iranian Resistance could rely on at all times. Her presence on the scene at times of need despite her pour health to support the cause of human rights and women, especially for the sake of the 1000 women in Camp Ashraf has always been inspiring.

She was the first president of the International Federation of Women against Fundamentalism for Equality (WAFE). She devoted much time and effort to propagate this federation and unite women for its objectives. As her colleague, I have always been proud of her efforts. Her fight to conquer her illness was also a lesson for all of us.

She will always be remembered as a relentless defender of the Iranian Resistance.

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