Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Women's Rights in Iran

In Iran, women’s rights are ruthlessly restricted, to the point where women are not allowed in sports stadiums where men’s sports are being played to watch. In regime ruling Iran, the constitution institutionalizes misogyny in the laws of the Mullahs’, dedicated to humiliating and terrorizing women in the country. Some of the worst laws are below:

  • Men are allowed multiple wives
  • Legal marriageable age for girls lowered from 18 to just nine
  • Women banned from leaving the house without approval from the male head of the household
  • Married girls could only continue studying with permission from their husband
  • Men inherit twice as much as women
  • Divorce is presided over by a religious Sharia judge
  • Female murder victims have less justice under the law for several reasons

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is dedicated to providing equal human rights for women across the country, to end the misogyny, and create complete gender equality in political, social, and economic arenas. All forms of discrimination against women will be abolished so they are able to enjoy the right to freely choose in Iran.


Iran: Women prisoners denied visits from children, activists arrested

NCRI - Female political prisoners in Tehran's Evin Prison have been denied visits from their children for more than a month, according to reports...
iran hospital poisoning girls

Intentional and Criminal Poisoning of Female Students Resumes After Nowruz Holidays

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi calls for an independent international investigation into Khamenei's crime committed to counter the uprising After the Nowruz holiday ended on April 3,...
Active Image

Iran: No taxi service for women with “inappropriate” outfits

NCRI- Head of the mullahs' Chastity Headquarters in the central city of Isfahan announced on Sunday that starting June 4, no taxi is allowed...
From right to left: Khamenei, Alamolhoda and Raisi

Iranian women’s resistance against regime’s suppression soon to “break all boundaries”

NCRI - Mullah Alamalhoda, regime’s Friday prayer show leader in the city of Mashhad ranted and fumed against Iranian women for their determination and...
Linda Chavez

Women leading the fight against Islamist extremism

By: Linda Chavez* Source: Washington Examiner International Women's Day, celebrated this week for the 106th year, marks continued progress for women across...

Bucharest conference supports women rights in Iran

NCRI - A conference entitled “Women, the force for democratic change in Iran” was held in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. The conference participants...

Iranian regime intensifies gender segregation in fear of social unrest

NCRI - The implementation of the repressive gender segregation plan of segregating male and female employees in Tehran municipality which was announced last month...

Iranian regime’s science minister wants single-sex universities throughout Iran

NCRI - Iranian regime's science minister Kamran Daneshjoo has said he wants to impose gender segregation on all universities in the regime. Daneshjoo told...

Girls schools fitted with CCTV cameras in latest controls on Iranian women

NCRI - The Iranian mullahs are installing closed-circuit cameras in girls' schools across the country in the latest in a wave of suppressive measures...

3 women, chained to men and paraded in Iran capital

NCRI - Iran’s fundamentalist regime this week enchained and paraded three young women and two men in central Tehran, a derogatory act used to...