Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Women's Rights in Iran

In Iran, women’s rights are ruthlessly restricted, to the point where women are not allowed in sports stadiums where men’s sports are being played to watch. In regime ruling Iran, the constitution institutionalizes misogyny in the laws of the Mullahs’, dedicated to humiliating and terrorizing women in the country. Some of the worst laws are below:

  • Men are allowed multiple wives
  • Legal marriageable age for girls lowered from 18 to just nine
  • Women banned from leaving the house without approval from the male head of the household
  • Married girls could only continue studying with permission from their husband
  • Men inherit twice as much as women
  • Divorce is presided over by a religious Sharia judge
  • Female murder victims have less justice under the law for several reasons

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is dedicated to providing equal human rights for women across the country, to end the misogyny, and create complete gender equality in political, social, and economic arenas. All forms of discrimination against women will be abolished so they are able to enjoy the right to freely choose in Iran.


Mullah Khatami: Blood must be shed to solve the dilemma of un-Islamic women clothing

NCRI - State-run web site Asre-Iran reported on April 24 that the cleric Ahmad Khatami, a member of the regime’s Expediency Council whose remarks...

Iran Regime’s Plainclothes Intelligence Agents Clash With Girls Who Were Biking

NCRI - Girls riding bike around a lake in the city of Marivan (west of Iran) are faced with a ban by plainclothes forces....
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Iran: No taxi service for women with “inappropriate” outfits

NCRI- Head of the mullahs' Chastity Headquarters in the central city of Isfahan announced on Sunday that starting June 4, no taxi is allowed...

Online round-table and Q&A to be held on women’s rights in Iran

NCRI - On Thursday a live online round-table will be held to discuss the devastating record of violation of women's rights in Iran and...
Women's football in Tehran

THE LONG ARM OF THE MORALS POLICE: Iran cancels women’s football game in Berlin

Source: SPIEGEL ONLINEBy Anne Haeming A celebration of women's football was planned for this Friday when Iranian and German players were to face each...

Iran: A victim’s (of 1988 massacre) sister barred from leaving Iran

NCRI - Iran's intelligence agents prevented M. Behkish from leaving the country, it is noteworthy that six members of her family were killed in the...
NCRI Women’s Committee Monthly Report Over Women Situation Under Iran’s Misogynist Regime

NCRI Women’s Committee Monthly Report Over Women Situation Under Iran’s Misogynist Regime

The National Council of Resistance of Iran’s Women’s Committee  in its monthly report, while honoring the memory of Romina Asharafi, a teenage girl slaughtered by her father in...

HRW: Awarding Iran with World League tournament emboldens discriminatory policies against women

 “The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) should cease awarding Iran the right to host FIVB international tournaments until the country ensures that female spectators can...
Dozens of Women Harassed and Regime Downplays Incident

Iran: Dozens of Women Harassed and Regime Downplays Incident

By Staff Writer The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), ahead of its annual gathering in Paris on June30th, is drawing international attention...

Iran: Female Political Prisoner Taken to Solitary Confinement

NCRI - According to reports published on November 4, the political prisoner Afsaneh Bayazidid, a Kurdish student held in Kerman Prison in exile, has been...