Thursday, July 18, 2024

Women's Rights in Iran

In Iran, women’s rights are ruthlessly restricted, to the point where women are not allowed in sports stadiums where men’s sports are being played to watch. In regime ruling Iran, the constitution institutionalizes misogyny in the laws of the Mullahs’, dedicated to humiliating and terrorizing women in the country. Some of the worst laws are below:

  • Men are allowed multiple wives
  • Legal marriageable age for girls lowered from 18 to just nine
  • Women banned from leaving the house without approval from the male head of the household
  • Married girls could only continue studying with permission from their husband
  • Men inherit twice as much as women
  • Divorce is presided over by a religious Sharia judge
  • Female murder victims have less justice under the law for several reasons

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is dedicated to providing equal human rights for women across the country, to end the misogyny, and create complete gender equality in political, social, and economic arenas. All forms of discrimination against women will be abolished so they are able to enjoy the right to freely choose in Iran.


Iran: Women Political Prisoners Support the Hunger Strikers

NCRI - Three women political prisoners in Tehran Evin prison expressed their support in a letter to the hunger striking political prisoners and their...

Iran: Security Patrol for Torn Pants and Buttonless Open Manteau!

NCRI - “Torn pants and manteaux (coats) without buttons are not Iranian clothing. Police forces will deal with this issue if necessary.” This is...

Iran: The Female Political Prisoner Meets Her Mother

NCRI - After a complete unawareness of Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee's situation, it is finally reported that she got to get her first meeting with her...

Iran: 1000 nurses escape Iran every year

NCRI – The international relations director of the Iranian regime’s Iran Nursing Organization has declared that more than 1,000 nurses leave Iran every year,...

The NCRI Women’s Committee Condemns the Iranian Regime’s Banning of Female Athletes’ Competition on...

In an appalling measure, the clerical regime deprived five female Iranian athletes for one year from participating in all national and international tournaments for...

Calls for Iranian Authorities to Stop Abusing Human Rights of Women

NCRI Staff NCRI - Iranian police have threatened women with lengthy prison sentences for participating in protests against the compulsory veil. The police said in...
Dozens of Women Harassed and Regime Downplays Incident

Iran: Dozens of Women Harassed and Regime Downplays Incident

By Staff Writer The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), ahead of its annual gathering in Paris on June30th, is drawing international attention...

IRAN: More than two dozen institutions suppress women

At least 26 official institution in Iran are involved in suppression of women under the pretext of mal-veiling or ‘improper clothing’, a regime’s official...
Iran: Woman May Be Sentenced to Execution Based Solely on Qassameh

Iran: Woman May Be Sentenced to Execution Based Solely on Qassameh

By Staff Writer According to the 10th annual report regarding the death penalty in Iran by Iran Human Rights (IHR), in 2017 at least...
Ms. Narges Mohammadi

IRAN: Call to secure immediate release of Nargess Mohammadi

Political prisoner Narges Mohammadi is in poor condition due to lack of medical care NCRI - Political prisoner and human rights activist Ms. Narges Mohammadi...