Scenes show an ongoing dispute between the police and the young woman, and her being run over. Iran’s violent behavior with young men and women under the pretext of improper" /> Scenes show an ongoing dispute between the police and the young woman, and her being run over. Iran’s violent behavior with young men and women under the pretext of improper" />
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Women's Rights in Iran

In Iran, women’s rights are ruthlessly restricted, to the point where women are not allowed in sports stadiums where men’s sports are being played to watch. In regime ruling Iran, the constitution institutionalizes misogyny in the laws of the Mullahs’, dedicated to humiliating and terrorizing women in the country. Some of the worst laws are below:

  • Men are allowed multiple wives
  • Legal marriageable age for girls lowered from 18 to just nine
  • Women banned from leaving the house without approval from the male head of the household
  • Married girls could only continue studying with permission from their husband
  • Men inherit twice as much as women
  • Divorce is presided over by a religious Sharia judge
  • Female murder victims have less justice under the law for several reasons

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is dedicated to providing equal human rights for women across the country, to end the misogyny, and create complete gender equality in political, social, and economic arenas. All forms of discrimination against women will be abolished so they are able to enjoy the right to freely choose in Iran.

Video: Young Woman Ran Over by Iran Police For “Improper Veiling”

NCRI - A video clip posted on social media shows a young Iranian woman being run over by a police vehicle in Tehran for “improper...

Iran: Female Futsal Player Eliminated From Team for Violating Hijab Regulations

NCRI - The misogynist Iranian regime has eliminated a national women’s futsal team member for failing to abide by hijab regulations.Shiva Amini took to her...

Iran: Female Political Prisoner on Hunger Strike in Critical Condition

NCRI - The human rights activist Atena Daemi, currently held in Evin Prison, is said to be in a critical condition, suffering from numerous health...

Iran: I’d Rather Die Than Give in to Oppression, Writes Female Political Prisoner

NCRI - The imprisoned human rights defender ‘Atena Daemi’ has gone on a hunger strike in Evin Prison, to protest against conviction of her two...

Iran: Jailed civil activist and her sisters charged with insulting security agents, sentenced to...

NCRI - According to reports, jailed civil activist Atena Daemi and her two sisters Aniseh and Hanieh have been sentenced to prison and suspended prison...

The NCRI Women’s Committee Condemns the Iranian Regime’s Banning of Female Athletes’ Competition on...

In an appalling measure, the clerical regime deprived five female Iranian athletes for one year from participating in all national and international tournaments for...

Iran: Female Prisoner Once Again Transferred to Solitary Confinement

NCRI - According to reports, prison officials in Kerman Central Prison have on Saturday March 25 transferred Afsaneh Bayazidi to solitary confinement, where the Kurdish...

Iran: Women are Being Arrested, Tortured, and Executed under Rouhani’s Watch

Iran is A Leading State in Women’s Oppression All dictators are known to oppress their opponents, lie to society about their policies, and resort...

International Women’s Day: Belgian and European Parliamentarians Hold a Meeting With Iranian Women

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, a meeting, chaired by Belgian MP, Els Van Hoof, was held on Wednesday 8 March 2017...

Iran: The Message of a Prominent Political Prisoner, on the Occasion of the International...

NCRI - The prominent political prisoner, Abolghasem Fouladvand in a message on the occasion of the International Women's Day stated: “we commemorate the International...