Friday, July 19, 2024

Women's Rights in Iran

In Iran, women’s rights are ruthlessly restricted, to the point where women are not allowed in sports stadiums where men’s sports are being played to watch. In regime ruling Iran, the constitution institutionalizes misogyny in the laws of the Mullahs’, dedicated to humiliating and terrorizing women in the country. Some of the worst laws are below:

  • Men are allowed multiple wives
  • Legal marriageable age for girls lowered from 18 to just nine
  • Women banned from leaving the house without approval from the male head of the household
  • Married girls could only continue studying with permission from their husband
  • Men inherit twice as much as women
  • Divorce is presided over by a religious Sharia judge
  • Female murder victims have less justice under the law for several reasons

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is dedicated to providing equal human rights for women across the country, to end the misogyny, and create complete gender equality in political, social, and economic arenas. All forms of discrimination against women will be abolished so they are able to enjoy the right to freely choose in Iran.


Iran: I’d Rather Die Than Give in to Oppression, Writes Female Political Prisoner

NCRI - The imprisoned human rights defender ‘Atena Daemi’ has gone on a hunger strike in Evin Prison, to protest against conviction of her two...
Sarvnaz Chitsaz, chair of the NCRI Women's Committee

Iran: Referral of mullahs’ regime to Security Council necessary response to Ahmadinejad’s remarks

The following is a statement by the NCRI Women's Committee on November 2: The Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance...
Iran: Imprisoned Civil Rights Activist Pens Open Letter

Iran: Imprisoned Civil Rights Activist Pens Open Letter

By Mahmoud Hakamian Atena Daemi is a civil rights activist that was arrested on 21st October 2014. She was immediately put into solitary confinement...

Another Baha’i woman arrested in Iran, her business shut down

NCRI - A Baha’i woman was arrested in Iran after one month of harassment, intimidation and the shutdown of her business. Ms. Sara Akhlaghi...
Fundamentalist mullah Seyyed Abolhassan Mahdavi

Iran cleric: Immodest dress causes intestine disease in women

NCRI – Failure to conform to the Islamic Republic’s dress code, including wearing the mandatory black ‘chador’, or veil, causes women in Iran to...

Iran factory workers forced to return salaries or face the sack

NCRI - Desperate workers in the Iranian city of Zanjan are being forced to return part of their salary to their bosses, or face...

Iran: Women face arrest for being ‘improperly veiled’ on boats, regime warns

NCRI - The Iranian regime's security forces have told women they face arrest for being 'badly veiled' while on recreational boats this summer. The...
Iran Regime Increases Crackdown on Women’s Freedom

Iran Regime Increases Crackdown on Women’s Freedom

Iran’s regime has been increasing its crackdowns on civil liberties over the past few months, specifically targeting women, but now the suppression is set...

Iran: A woman publicly flogged

The misogynic Iranian regime publicly flogged a female prisoner on April 27 in Golpayegan County, Esfahan Province. The religious fascism ruling Iran has intensified...

Iran: Critical Health Situation of Prominent Lady Political Prisoner

NCRI Staff NCRI - Health of Iranian political prisoner is deteriorating after 50-day hunger strike The health of Iranian political prisoner Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee has...