NCRI Women’s Committee Condemns the Assassination of Two Syrian Women Activists in Istanbul


While condemning the cowardly assassination of Orouba Barakat and her daughter Hala, the two Syrian women who were killed in their home in Istanbul by knife attacks, the Women’s Committee of the NCRI offers its condolences to the Syrian opposition, in particular Syrian brave women. Many news agencies attribute this assassination to Assad’s dictatorship.

Mrs. Orouba Barakat was one of the old Syrian opposition figures who played a serious role in exposing Assad’s crimes, especially in the medieval prisons of the regime, and had carried out investigations on torture in the prisons of the Assad regime. Her daughter Hala Barakat was also a Syrian activist and a Syrian opposition television (Orient) correspondent. Mrs. Orouba Barakat, who was acquainted with the Iranian Resistance, especially with the PMOI women, had always a special respect to them and their struggles against religious dictatorship.

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 23, 2017

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