NCRI Women’s Committee calls for annulment of death penalty in Iran


Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran calls for annulment of death penalty, especially against women and youth

The misogynic mullahs’ regime hanged Amene Rezaian, a female prisoner in Kashmar Prison, on April 14, on the verge of a visit by the EU High Representative Ms. Federica Mogherini to Iran. Rezaian, 43, had been in prison for two years. Thus, the number of prisoners executed in the past six days stands at 14. At this time, at least one other woman in the women’s ward of this prison awaits execution.

These executions stand in the face of calls by the international community for the annulment of the death penalty. Mr. Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, urged the Iranian regime on April 14 to annul the death penalty for crimes related to narcotics saying: “Last year, at least 966 people were executed in Iran – the highest rate in more than two decades – the majority for drug offences.”

Speaking on the matter, the NCRI Women’s Committee Chair Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz stated that the increasing number of executions by the religious fascism ruling Iran proves the fact that ignoring the tragic situation of human rights in Iran, especially the execution of the youth and women, has no end but to encourage this regime to continue on this criminal path. She stressed that all relations with Iran must be preconditioned to the annulment of the death penalty in the country, especially against women and juveniles.

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 15, 2016

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