Iranian regime intensifies suppression of women

NCRI – Ahmad Reza Radan, the head of Tehran’s police force, dismissed any notion that the new wave of crackdown on women was now fizzling out, saying it was "unstoppable”.
"From July 23, the number of police assigned to this mission will be doubled,” he told the state run news agency ISNA late on Saturday.

"We will multiply the number of patrols from July 23 in such a way that all streets, parks and places of entertainment be covered,” he added.

He said the police’s policy will be first to give a "verbal warning" to those who infringe the law and if necessary they will then be arrested and taken to a centre for "consultation”.

"If their behavior is not accidental they will then be handed over to the judiciary,” he added.

Thousands of women have already been warned and hundreds arrested across Iran under the pretext of so called "mal-veiling" since the new drive began in April.

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