Iran: Women professors told wear the given uniform and veil or be sacked

NCRI – Female staff at Tehran University have been told they face the sack if they refuse to wear the veils and a new uniform.

The draconian edict was aimed at setting a good example to female students – who must also be ‘properly veiled’ at all times, the university’s head of cultural affairs said.

It is the latest in a catalogue of increasingly strict rules on women’s dress codes in the extremist state, where now even shops face prosecution for selling ‘non-Islamist’ female clothing.

Jaafar Gol-mohammadi said in an interview with the state-run Mehr news agency on Saturday (May 4,2013): “This university does not limit the issue of veiling and chastity only to the students, but it also applies to professors and employees.

“When employees and professors do not observe veiling, the students will say it is not expected of them.

“A uniform has been designed for female employees and this will be given to them as a gift. the employees must wear this uniform and any woman who disobeys will be summoned by the Disciplinary Committee.

“It is the same for the professors. Over recent years, female professors have all been told before being employed that they must observe proper veiling.

“So if there is any disobedience in this regard, the university could also annul their contract. This issue was a condition of their employment.”

As well as the dress code, gender segregation of libraries and the students’ cafeteria was also in force, Gol-mohammadi said.

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