Iran: Women Political Prisoners Support the Hunger Strikers


NCRI – Three women political prisoners in Tehran Evin prison expressed their support in a letter to the hunger striking political prisoners and their rightful claims, in Gohardasht prison in Karaj.

The three women prisoners, Golrokh Iraei, Atena Daemi, and Maryam Akbari Monfared underscored that silence and inaction are a political cover to continue the widespread human rights abuses in Iran. They urged the international community, the U.N. Secretary General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, and all political activists to take immediate action to save the lives of political prisoners on hunger strike.

The letter reads in part:

“Protecting the fundamental rights of people around the world regardless of their nationality, religion and color, and protesting human rights violations is an important and valuable approach.”

“But what is worrying about this issue is the deteriorating situation of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners in Gohardasht (Rajaei Shahr) prison, especially prisoners who have staged hunger strike to protest the repressive measures against political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Gohardasht prison, Hall 12, and today is the 20th day of their hunger strike.”

“Those who criticize the government for any reason should not face the worst reactions and undergo inhumane conditions during their imprisonment. Some of these prisoners are spending their second decade of imprisonment, and some are in serious health condition due to old age and illness.”

“In the Islamic Republic’s rule, many voices are broken in the throats, many bloods have been shed unjustly, numerous rights have been trampled, and many unjust sentences have been issued, and the only means of achieving justice for the prisoners in prison is hunger strike.”

“We, a number of (female) political prisoners in Evin Prison, support those people who are on hunger strike and salute them and bow to their resistance. We call on international human rights community, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran (Ms. Asma Jahangir), the U.N. Secretary-General and all political activists of our country to act immediately to save the lives of Gohardasht prisoners, especially the political prisoners on hunger strike, because silence and inaction are a political cover for the continued widespread human rights abuses in Iran.”

Golrokh Iraei, Atena Daemi, Maryam Akbari Monfared

Evin Prison

19 August 2017

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