Iran: Suppressive measures by the Mullahs’ State Security Forces

NCRI- 01 May 2008- To boost domestic suppression, Brig. Gen. Ismail Ahmadi- Moghaddam, chief of the State Security Forces (SSF) – mullahs' suppressive police – said, “Yeilding a juridical role to SSF would enhance  law and order in the society”, the official news agency IRNA reported on April 30.

NCRI- 01 May 2008- To boost domestic suppression, Brig. Gen. Ismail Ahmadi- Moghaddam, chief of the State Security Forces (SSF) – mullahs' suppressive police – said, “Yeilding a juridical role to SSF would enhance  law and order in the society”, the official news agency IRNA reported on April 30.

Separately, Brig. Gen.Ahmad Rouzbahani, the SSF chief of Moral Security Police was quoted by the semiofficial news agency Fars as saying, “As of  May 2008,  Public Security Plan will be enforced  in private companies. Foreign companies [doing business in Iran] are no exception and should fully abide by the Islamic Republic's laws… Companies not having front signs, even if located in residential areas, would be targeted first. Companies with female employees showing up for work with improper outfits and not having a headdress [are targeted]."

The new move was enforced last April with the so-called "boosting public security" by the SSF in particular aimed at what was described as "mal-veiling."
The length and severity of the crackdown has been unprecedented in the under the clerical rule in recent years. Vans of the moral police are still a common sight in Tehran’s main squares as officials monitor passing women.

Women deemed inappropriately dressed are usually hauled to a moral detention centre to sign a written statement not to repeat the offence and await family members to bring them more modest clothing.

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