Iran: Suppression of women on International Women’s Day

NCRI – On International Women’s Day, the misogynist ruling regime in Iran has initiated a crackdown on Iranian women in streets and public areas around the country.

In Tehran, women took to the streets in different areas of the city such as University Park, Revolution Square, and Park-e-Lale chanting “Down with the dictator, long live freedom.” They gathered while the suppressive State Security Forces (SSF) surrounded the area in a bid to disperse them.  At 17:00 local time, the SSF began lobbing teargas into the crowds.

A curfew was declared around Tehran University and Park-e-Lale, according to eyewitnesses.  SSF and vigilantes attacked and arrested women demonstrators in the Park-e-Daneshjoo who were singing anti-regime songs. The protestors, however, continued their demonstration.

Tehran residents joined the women protestors in solidarity and confronted the regime’s forces, reports indicated.  Special Guard units of the SSF joined regular and paramilitary vigilantes in the attack on the protestors.

Another gathering to commemorate Women’s day was held in the western city of Sanandaj. The large gathering in front of a city theater called for liberty and an end to inequality and discrimination against women.  “Stop executions and stoning,” the large gathering of women chanted.

Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz, Chair of the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, drew the attention of international human rights and women’s rights advocates and organizations to the crackdown on Iranian women on International Women’s Day and the violation of freedom of speech in Iran.  Ms. Chitsaz urged human rights organizations to condemn the attacks and appealed for urgent action to free those arrested.

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 9, 2006

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