Iran: Political Prisoner Commemorates International Women’s Day


NCRI – In his letter from Karaj Gohardasht prison, political prisoner Khaled Hardani commemorates the International Women’s Day and praises Iranian women’s resistance against the misogynist Iranian regime, saying “Iranian women’s resistance to imprisonment, lashing, torture, and execution, as a driving force and fundamental change in the face of misogynistic policies of the Mullahs’ regime, should be respected, and their courage lauded and saluted.”

Parts of Hardani’s letter is listed below:

A tribute to Iran’s defiant women on the eve of International Women’s Day, March 8

Although International Women’s Day was formed based on a historical event, following the protests by women working in New York textile industry on March 8, 1857, but it’s a dynamic movement to commemorate women’s long history of struggle for freedom, equal rights, and rejecting double discrimination, a laudable struggle which has served as a driving force for change in the face of fundamentalists in human history.

Iranian women have also significantly contributed to this struggle, standing against the extremely inhumane policy of repression, religious fundamentalism, totalitarianism, and systematic discrimination against women over the past 38 years.

Iranian women’s resistance to imprisonment, lashing, torture, and execution, as a driving force and fundamental change in the face of misogynistic policies of the Mullahs’ regime, should be respected, and their courage lauded and saluted. Everyone should stand alongside women so they can achieve their demands, based on what’s been maintained in the universal declaration of human rights.

All human aspects are clearly covered in Article 2 of the universal declaration of human rights, which all nations should respect and strive towards.

With hopes of freedom, justice, and peace in the world, I congratulate the International Women’s Day to all defiant mothers and women across Iran.

Karaj Rajaeeshahr prison (Gohardasht)
Political prisoner Khaled Hardani, March 7, 2017

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