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HomeIran News NowWomen's Rights in IranIran: Paranoid mullahs reveal fear of mounting threat from PMOI opposition

Iran: Paranoid mullahs reveal fear of mounting threat from PMOI opposition

NCRI – The Iranian regime has revealed its fear of the mounting threat posed to the regime by the PMOI (MEK) opposition movement particularly among women and youth in a paranoid rant published by its state-run Fars news agency on March 5.

The bizarre statement also claimed that ‘the Islamic Republic’ had ‘the most progressive laws on women’ and that most abuses of women’s rights occurred in the West.

And it branded the PMOI opposition as ‘terrorists’ who were using International Women’s Day as an excuse to stage protests against the mullahs’ ruling dictatorship in Iran and hold meeting in Paris.

The regime’s panic at the growing influence of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) clearly undermined its claims that the movement has no support among the Iranian people.

The Fars news agency report said: “The PMOI will hold special event on March 8th and the last Wednesday of the year [Fire Festival], when the grouplet will try to entice students and exploit media propaganda on the eve of what the feminists call Women’s Day.

“The PMOI grouplet has always tried to use every opportunity to advance its terrorist and anti-security activities.

“With March 8th and last Wednesday of the year [Fire Festival] approaching, they are using media propaganda to incite people to unrest and riot.
“The anti-revolutionary elements and the PMOI have been planning for some time this campaign to use March 8 and women’s rights as an excuse to stage gathering against the Islamic system.

“They are trying to attract spies through social networks and telling their agents in universities to hold protest gatherings. Even if only a very few people take part, pictures and videos of the protest will then be posted on their websites.”

Fars news agency added: “In addition, at a human rights meeting, the Islamic Republic was accused of discrimination against women. This is while the Islamic Republic has the most progressive laws on women and most violations of women’s rights occur in the US, Europe and in camp Ashraf.”

Meanwhile, the PMOI has published a statement on its website calling on supporters and youths to actively participate in the fire festival of the last Wednesday of the year and use it as a protest against the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

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