Iran: Many girls deprived of education in the new academic year


NCRI – Less than a week away from the beginning of the new academic year in Iran, a large number of young girls are deprived of education.

Following are remarks by a number of officials on just one province, southwestern Iranian province of Khuzistan, and just a few cities, but reflect a small example of the entire picture.

Fazel Khamissi, head of the Department of Education in District 4 of Ahwaz, acknowledged that in many areas, only one of every four girls succeeds in obtaining a high school diploma.

Javad Kazem Nassab Albaji, parliamentary deputy from Ahwaz, also said that in some parts of the Khuzistan Province, girls cry because there is no secondary schools and they are forbidden to go to schools in other regions.

In Ismaelieh District of Ahwaz with the largest number of girls who have been left out of school, girls are discontented with the shortage of schools because there are no secondary schools in their villages.

Lailie Nazarpour, expert in charge of women’s affairs in Khuzistan Province, indicates that the number of girls who do not go to school is twice as much as boys. Girs are deprived of education for various economic and social reasons, shortage of schools, and living in areas which are difficult to pass in order to go to school. (The state-run website – September 17, 2016)


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