Iran – video: Isfahan residents protest acid attack against women


NCRI – Hundreds of protesters gather in front of the Justice Department in city of Isfahan to protest the recent wave of acid attacks against women.

The protest follows the recent wave of acid attacks on women by gangs affiliated to the Iranian regime.

The protesters chanted slogans in solidarity with the victims of the acid attacks. They hold signs condemning the attacks and chanted: “Death to acid attackers”.

They also condemned the Iranian regime’s imposed dress code on women by chanting “hejab (veil) cannot be forced” on women.

A group of protesters chanted where are  ‘my sister’s eyes?’ a reference to those victim who lost their eye sight.

An Iranian women died on Sunday as she and two other women were target of the latest series of acid attacks in city of Isfahan, a local news website reported.

The website quoted an eyewitness saying that “one of victim died due to acid burns on her chest” and “two others with injuries in their faces and hands were taken to hospital for treatment.”

According to the report, the victims of the new wave of acid attacks which have been carried out in past few days reaches over two dozen in the city of Esfahan that once was a main tourist attraction in Iran.

According to the information received from Iran, the families of victims of acid attack have been warned against publishing the photos of the victims or giving interviews with news agencies.

One of the victims said: “The attackers belonged to Ansar-e Hezbollah group.”

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