Iran: International women’s day marked by protest gatherings

NCRI – The International Women’s Day was marked by protest gatherings in two major parks in central Tehran today.

Women chanted "freedom, freedom" in Daneshjou and Laleh park gatherings despite harsh measures imposed by the regime’s security forces. To prevent women to assemble, the suppressive forces surrounded the area forcing people to disperse.

According to eye witnesses, the plain clothes agents accompanied the security forces in their attacks against women in Daneshjou park but failed to prevent women gathering and they continued with their protest.

Protestors held banners which read: "Iranian women want freedom," "end repression and censorship." A woman was arrested while taking picture from security forces’ attack on women.

Women sang national songs on their way out of the park at the end of their protest gathering.

Similar moves were reported from across the country and women condemned the reign of repression, executions and stoning in Iran.

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