Iran : Gender segregation in public places; a step further in suppression

NCRI – The mullahs’ inhuman regime in line with its suppressive misogynous policies is rapidly imposing further gender segregation in public places such as government offices, universities, schools, hospitals and even parks.

In its latest plan, the Head of Administration and Finance of the Social Welfare Organization, Akbar Abbasi Maleki has sent an official memorandum to the regional directors of this organization nationwide instructing them to expedite “gender segregation in work places in order to preserve Islamic culture.”

Separately, the state-run daily Khorrasan reported that gender segregation was being enforced in hospitals and clinics throughout the nation. An official with the mullahs’ Ministry of Heath, Mohammad Jahangiri, said, “The plan to build womens-only hospitals had been deliberated at the Ministry of Heath even before it was approved by the government ministers.”

Mohammad Mohammadian, the representative of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in the country’s universities board, said, “Installation of close circuit cameras, separate entrance and exit doors for men and women and a ban on non-segregated summer camps have been approved in the universities.”

The NCRI’s Women’s Committee Chair Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz said in this regard, “Since the start of the year, the misogynous mullahs’ regime has taken further steps to suppress Iranian women by implementing various plans such as ‘Chastity Plan’, ‘National Costume for Women Plan’, ‘Issuing Red and Yellow Cards for non-complying women with the designated dress codes,’ ‘Response to street mannequins which are the source of vice in society,’ and ‘National Security Plan’.”

Ms. Chitsaz added that through its barbaric suppression of women the regime was trying to suppress this portion of society which is the driving force behind social uprisings.

She called on all international human rights and women’s rights organizations as well as defenders of social and political rights to condemn the misogynistic policies of the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 16, 2006


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