Iran: Female political prisoner transferred to harsh condition prison


NCRI – The authorities in Tehran’s Evin prison have transferred a female political prisoner to a prison known for its life-threatening conditions after she protested the appalling conditions at Evin’s women’s section.

Mrs. Hakimeh Shekari has been among the Mothers of Laleh Park (Mourning Mothers), a group of Iranian women whose spouses or children were killed by government agents and held protests in Laleh Park in Tehran demanding accountability for the death, arrests and disappearances of their children.

On numerous occasions Mourning Mothers were arrested by security agents at Laleh Park. They were chased down by the police, piled into the back of police vans and carted off to prison.

Mrs. Shekari was first arrested on December 7, 2010 while attending a memorial ceremony for an anti-regime protester killed in 2009 and she was imprisoned in section 209 of Evin prison for two months after being released on bail.

She was sentenced to three years in prison by a Revolutionary Court on April 11, 2012 on the charges of “propaganda against the system” and “acting against national security”.

Located in the outskirts of Tehran, Qarchak prison has been described as hell on earth, where inmates have expressed they would rather be executed than live in those conditions.

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