Iran: Female Political Prisoner on Hunger Strike in Critical Condition


NCRI – The human rights activist Atena Daemi, currently held in Evin Prison, is said to be in a critical condition, suffering from numerous health problems due to her continued hunger strike.

Atena Daemi is spending her 17th day of hunger strike on Monday April 24 in Evin Prison women’s ward. Meanwhile, Atena’s mother, who visited her on Sunday April 23, maintained that “the regime’s Revolutionary Guards, judiciary, and Prosecutor-General are responsible for Atena’s life.”

“Today, Sunday April 23, I went to visit Atena”, said Masoumeh Nemati, Atena’s mother, about her meeting with Atena, “She was not feeling good at all. She has lost about 10 kg, and is suffering from kidney problems, nausea, and dizziness. The doctor at prison infirmary said that her blood might be infected. Her tongue has turned yellow and her nails are blue.”

Atenal Damei has announced that she’s gone on hunger strike to protest against conviction of her two sisters, Ensieh and Hanieh, accusing the Iranian regime of taking the families of political prisoners hostage.

Hanieh and Ensieh were sentenced by Tehran Criminal Court to three months and one day suspended prison term on charges of ‘insulting the officers’ during Atena’s arrest. Atena, has demanded that the sentence be rescinded.

In the meantime, Atena’s mother has said that “Atena is going to sit in in front of prison guard’s office, and go on a dry hunger strike if she receives no response.”

Atena Daemi was sentenced to seven years in jail on unsubstantial charges of ‘assembly, collusion and propaganda against the regime’, ‘blasphemy and insulting Khamenei’, and ‘concealing evidence of crime’.

Human rights organizations and groups, however, say that the reasons for Atena’s conviction are her postings on Facebook and paintings on the walls criticizing death penalty, visiting gravesites of those killed during the protests following the 2009 presidential election, and reporting on the situation of political prisoners.

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