Iran: Arrests of youths mount in fear of June election protests

NCRI – Iran’s State Security Forces are harassing and arresting young people on the streets of Tehran in a bid to intimidate them ahead of the June presidential election, according to reports from inside the regime.

Paranoid mullahs have imposed a nationwide ‘public security plan’ over their fears of mass civil unrest during the ballot.

On May 12, SSF patrols stopped a vehicle carrying a young man and woman and tried to arrest them because they were not related, but state forces backed down after protests from the public.

On the same day, SSF forces stopped and arrested three other young women on a Tehran street, and despite public anger, forced them into the a patrol vehicle and took them away.

Many of the arrests of young women are part of the regime’s draconian crackdown on ‘inappropriately dressed women’ who ‘flaunt themselves on the streets.’

Iran’s deputy chief of police Brigadier-General Ahmad-Reza Radan has said he will not tolerate the presence of what he branded ‘walking mannequins’ in public.

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