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HomeIran News NowWomen's Rights in Iran‘Immorality’ among women is causing rivers in Iran to dry up –...

‘Immorality’ among women is causing rivers in Iran to dry up – senior cleric


NCRI – Women’s immodest attire is causing rivers in Iran to dry up, according to a senior cleric of the Iranian regime who urged the regime’s fundamentalist storm-troopers on Friday to crack down on women for “improper veiling.”

While referring to the issue of ‘improper veiling’, mullah Seyyed Youssef Tabatabi-nejad, the regime’s Friday prayers’ leader in Isfahan, in his sermon this week said: “My office has received photos of women next to the dry Zayandeh-rud River pictured as if they are in Europe. It is these sorts of acts that cause the river to dry up even further.”

His remarks were carried by the state-run ISNA news agency on Friday.

He also criticized online social networks which “encourage improper veiling” among women.

“I tell the Communications Ministry to clamp down on the instigators of the networks encouraging immodesty. If you don’t do so, then you will have failed to carry out your duty. The Communications Ministry can discover and suffocate these individuals,” he added.

Tabatabi-nejad, who is also the representative of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Isfahan, claimed that the regime had not been forceful enough in its implementation of its ‘cultural revolution.’

“In the past few years we weren’t even able to gender segregate the universities. What kind of a cultural revolution is this in which no major actions have been undertaken?”

Tabatabi-nejad urged the regime’s supporters to assist the so-called morality force hounding the streets to ensure that women are ‘properly veiled.’

“If we see a sin it’s useless that we only bicker about it. The police force can use the [paramilitary] Hezbollahi forces in carrying out their operations to root out vice,” he said.

Tabatabi-nejad sits as a member of the Assembly of Experts, a clerical body of 88 senior mullahs who are tasked with appointing the regime’s Supreme Leader.

Commenting on this latest position by a senior official of the mullahs’ regime, Afchine Alavi of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on Saturday said: “This reflects the typical mindset of the theocratic regime ruling Iran which is no different to the culture of Daesh (ISIL or ISIL). Misogyny is a cornerstone of this mindset. The regime’s increasing isolation with each passing day results in more brutal methods of suppression being employed by the regime.”

Last summer another senior cleric of the regime claimed that failure to conform to the Islamic Republic’s dress code, including wearing the mandatory black ‘chador’, or veil, causes women in Iran to become sick and suffer from illnesses in the intestines and stomach.