Iceland MPs demand protection of women’s rights in Iran, and safety for Liberty residents

NCRI – MPs in Iceland have issued an urgent demand for the protection of women’s rights in Iran, and for the return of endangered Camp Liberty residents to the safety of Ashraf.

The majority of Iceland’s parliament also called for regime change in Iran and supported the ten-point plan of Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

A joint statement signed by a majority of MPs said: “In the last three decades, over 120,000 political opponents to the religious and misogynist dictatorship ruling Iran, including tens of thousands of women defending freedom and equality have been executed.

“Today, executions continue and a number of political prisoners are now awaiting execution.

“The 3,200 refugees, members of the Iranian Resistance in Iraq including 1,000 women, who are considered as ‘protected persons’ under international conventions have numerously been fatally attacked by armed Iraqi forces under the order of the Iranian regime.

“At least 57 people including 9 women have been killed and over 1,200, including hundreds of women, injured. They have been living in Camp Ashraf for a quarter of a century, a place where they have transformed a desert to a modern city. The role of women’s leadership and management has been determinant in the society.”

The MPs blamed the Iraqi government and the ‘lies and deceit’ of UN envoy Martin Kobler for evicting the refugees from Ashraf and branded Liberty ‘a prison’.

The statement added: “The living conditions in Camp Liberty especially the decayed infrastructure, particularly the destroyed sewer system, are intolerable.

“The Camp was attacked by rockets on February 9th of this year forces by forces affiliated to the Iranian regime with the help of the Iraqi government. Seven people including one women were killed and 100 injured. Ten of these individuals will be handicapped for ever.

“The Iraqi government has officially emphasized that they cannot prevent future attacks to the Camp and its affiliated forces have in practice threatened more.”

The statement also praised the role of women in Camps Ashraf and Liberty, adding: “Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the resistance, strongly believes that women are the force for change and democracy. She has been able to bring thousands of women side by side men in the struggle against the regime.

“Her ten point plan for the future of Iran is based on the separation of religion and state, complete gender equality with respect of political, social rights and the equal participation of women in political leadership and the abolishment of any forms of discrimination against women and respects the universal declaration of human rights and the abolition of the death penalty.

“In view of the above points, we call on the UN, US and EU to urgently return the defenseless refugees from the killing fields of Liberty to Camp Ashraf and the UNHCR to immediately announce their refugees status.

“And to support the 10 point plan by Mrs. Rajavi as a practical action to establish peace and democracy and support women’s rights in Iran.”

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