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HomeIran News NowWomen's Rights in Iran'Heroic women' of Liberty must be returned to Ashraf, conference is told

‘Heroic women’ of Liberty must be returned to Ashraf, conference is told

NCRI – Camp Liberty’s ‘heroic women’ – along with its entire vulnerable population – must be immediately returned to the safety of Camp Ashraf, a European politician has told an International Women’s Day conference in Paris on March 9.

Edit Bauer – a member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality – also condemned the brutal and sexist regime in Iran which had created ‘the world’s worst situation for women’.

Ms Bauer said: “Iranian women have been fighting for their rights for many years. If the mullahs had the chance, they would have imposed more restrictions than we have in Afghanistan with the Taliban.

“There are many young girls who have turned to prostitution to earn a living. Many young women in Iran commit suicide because they are repressed and humiliated.

“In prisons and detention centres women suffer frequent abuse, torture and execution. Young girls face further dangers when in prison and there are no separate provisions for juveniles in many prisons.”

Ms Bauer also spoke of the strong support for Maryam Rajavi in the European Parliament.

She said: “Mrs. Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian Resistance, has been in the European Parliament many times and there is a wide support coming from many politicians from all political groups who regard her movement to be wholly democratic and the most serious opposition.

“Therefore it is not a surprise that the mullahs are only focused on her and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran [PMOI/MEK].”

And she told delegates of the wide support the parliament also had for the residents of Camp Ashraf and Liberty.

She added: “We have been particularly concerned about the thousand women members of PMOI in Iraq who have been the symbols of resistance for the millions of women inside and outside Iran.

Today, as we have seen not long ago, we are facing a critical and very sensitive issue and that is the situation in Camp Liberty as there is a large threat to Liberty residents.

“We cannot let these heroic women down. We want them all returned to Camp Ashraf to remain safe. We know that this is the only possible way we could rescue them from further attacks so we must make it happen until the time when they could return to their home in a free Iran. We must make it happen together.”