FIFA tells Iranian regime: Open stadiums to female football fans

NCRI – FIFA president Sepp Blatter is urging authorities of the Iranian regime to end the ban on female football spectators in stadiums.

Thursday’s remarks by Blatter came after talks with the Iranian regime’s officials including Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.

Last month Iranian security forces swooped on youths attending the Iran-Thailand football match in Tehran on October 15, arresting a group of girls disguised as boys to enter the stadium.

The head of Special Unites of the State Security Forces told state-run Fars news agency on Saturday, May 11: “A number of girls who had painted their faces to look like boys, tried to enter the football stadium. We arrested them and turned them over to the judicial authorities.”

In Iran women and girls are banned from Azadi stadium (the national football stadium). In response to this ban, women and girls have began dressing up as men to gain entrance.


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