A young girl’s tragic death in Mashhad,adds to the crimes of the misogynist Clerical regime

Women’s Commission, National Council of Resistance Iran:

NCRI – On Saturday 24 September, following the repressive forces raid in Mashhad suburb of Hashmieh, a young girl trying to evade the raid fell to her death from the sixth floor balcony.

Head of the so-called public “Security” police, special operations teams  of the Razavi Khorasan Province,  Colonel – Nasser Hajjarian  acknowledged that this shocking episode happened while his team’s raid on a flat in which an “Evil “celebration was in progress.  This attack by the regime’s suppressive forces was not under Mullahs’ judiciary orders and was arbitrary. In this attack, eight other young boys and girls were arrested.

Ms. Sarvenaz Chitsaz, Chairwoman of Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran conveyed her condolences to the families and friends of the young girl.
She called on the International community, human rights and women’s rights organizations, especially the Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Rapporteurs on the Rights of Women and arbitrary detention to condemn the shocking crime and calls for urgent action to secure the unconditional release of the detainees and stop human rights abuses by the Clerical regime.

Ms. Chitsaz added: the purpose behind the intensified crackdown on youth and women and the “Security” atmosphere of terror is to prevent the spread of public protests, especially during the new academic year. 

Women’s Commission, National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 28, 2011

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