A Glance at Iran Regime’s Misogynist Constitution

A Glance at Iran Regime’s Misogynist Constitution
Institutionalized Misogyny in the laws of the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran

The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has published a document examining the Iranian regime’s misogynistic laws, highlighting that the mullahs rule Iran using a “deviated, backward interpretation of Islam” and that the regime was founded on the “subjugation, exclusion and humiliation” of women. 

The report – entitled “Institutionalized Misogyny in the laws of the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran” – explains that the Revolution had barely finished before regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini took his first steps towards oppressing women. 

 On the eve of the International Women’s Day in 1979, which on March 8 was less than a month after the mullahs formally stole power, Khomeini declared that the hijab (veil) was compulsory for all female government employees. Then regime-backed hoodlums went on a public rampage, yelling the vile infamous slogan that translates to “either the veil or a hit on the head” to humiliate and terrorize women and the general population. This led to the brutal enforcement of the new dress code. 

Here are some of the regime’s worst laws, as identified in the report: 

The Women’s Committee of the NCRI wrote: “One can see the fundamentalist mullahs trying to turn back the wheels of history. 

The Committee further explained that there were many social issues caused by the mullahs’ misogynist laws that they could not comment on in the scope of their report, such as homelessness among women, runaways, prostitution, and so on. Basically, Iran under the mullahs is not a safe place for women and girls, in much the same way that it is not safe for other marginalized groups. 

All the laws of the clerical regime are filled with a hysterical enmity towards women, in education, clothing and covering, marriage, divorce, inheritance and in the segregation of buses and work places and etc. One can see the fundamentalist mullahs trying to turn back the wheels of history,” read the report.  

This report from the Women’s Committee of the NCRI is a May 2020 update on a November 2015 report with the same name. 

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